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Monday, February 27, 2012

Monsoon-ing in San Jose

You guys, I'm reunited with my besties and almost all my other favorite people right now. I haven't been back to the Bay for 8 months and that's the longest I've been away since I moved here nine long years ago. I got to take pics with Bevelyn today which is why I can't write this post like I'm talking to her cuz I JUST saw her 30 minutes ago. That would be weird. So I'm just going to stop talking and post the pictures that we took. Yeayayaaayaya!

Sweater from Old Navy, Cords from Jcrew, Shoes from Zaras, thrifted old Coach bag from Etsy, SUNLIGHT FROM SAN JOSE and pictures by BEV!

I'm so happy to be home, familiarity is sorely underrated and people who love you and you love back are an amazing invention.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I feel like an upside down flower

And here are my feets. Photos by my mom  

And that's pretty much all there is to it.

Also, I'm seeing you so soon! Let's just stare at each other when you get here. Mmmk?

Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm pretty sure I'm looking for the most comfortable outfit. Ever.

Pockets, son!

Photos by my mom
Well Bobo, here are some pictures of me and my outfit, cause I know you miss all of this. I'm off to MCAT study at donut wheel now; this loose fitting skirt was no coincidence. They know me so well there that I can now go behind the counter and serve myself. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing yet.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Things I Really Bought (and then returned some)

Bevelyn, the shopping bug bit me REAL hard. Everytime I tell my self I'm not going to shop, I find my self clicking "confirm" on that little rectangular button. It's okay though because half of this stuff is going back to where it came from.

Lets see, I got some real wild and shiny things because you know, I like wild and shiny.

1) Flower pants from Zara, because I've been wanting them for a while. I love plain blue jeans but any opportunity I can get to wear loud crazy colors, prints, fabrics on my bottom half - I'll take it. Blame it on my desiness, it's kind of what my people do!!

2) Crazy pretty heels...just because...someone invite me somewhere fancy? Thanks! Oh yeah, and crank that temperature up to 70 degrees while you're at it.

3) Corduroys! Yeayaaa!

4) I also got these flats but they may not stay forever because they're kinda big and because ShoeMint takes FOREVER to deliver something and now the right size is already sold out. Not okay ShoeMint, not okay.

5) These are the things that didn't capture my heart. I was excited about some of Jason Wu's collection for Target and managed to order two dresses online. They just weren't as flattering as I would have liked. This first guy just looked like a colorful bag and the fabric is super thin.

6) The second guy, I could only find in a size larger than my usual size and the color was pretty but not me. So they're going back!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lazy Laze Style

So Bevelyn, I've been feeling mighty lazy about posting here. It might be the winter chill that's finally descended over the city for the past few days.  Or it could just be my natural, innate, endless laziness. Who knows! And truthfully, who cares. 

On to more important things like what I've been wearing: my camel brown coat from Anthro that I got for a cool $10. Yep, $10. It was on sale for $35 and I had a gift card for $25! Do the math guys. The coat is like a supermodel, very pretty and very thin. It doesn't keep me warm at all, hence the many layers. I wore it to the Bloggers Night Out event that I heard about through the lovely Camille! I felt pretty important not going from work to home to yoga studio and had quite a wonderful night!
This is me in the hallway post event:

Dontcha love the color of our apartment buildings innards?
Here is another way I wore this jacket, with my BIG OLD FOX FUR!! That's right, it's a real fox! I'm a terrible human being, I know, but rest assured it's second hand and so, as a wise woman said, "it would have been dead by now anyway."

Let me tell you, its real warm.

I promise to try to make this week a more blog-exciting and blog-coherent one! Bevelyn, your turn, go!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My favorite dress

I see your mean mug Bobo, and I raise you one. 

My feets

Photos by my mom

Well Bobo,  I tried the graphic tee/skirt thing. That's a no go. For now. I will not be defeated. Instead, I decided to photograph my absolute favorite dress (from target). I wear this all the time. It's so comfortable, and it makes me feel like a statue. That's about all I need in a dress.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The look: graphic oversized tee and delicate skirt

I'm obsessed with it. It's so comfortable and cute and quirky. Also, I ate half a lemon cake (stress eating, thank you MCAT studying), so it really allows my belly to be free and swollen. Scratch that, let me be real, I eat like this all the time. Stressed or not. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

February Inspiration

One of my favorite street style blogs is all the pretty birds. I love Tamu McPherson's own personal style as well as the pictures she captures. These are all the pictures I have starred in my google reader right now. Some of them are not exactly transferable to my day to day life as I go from work to subway to home. But I still like to take apart the outfits and use them as fuel for tiny, crazy sartorial risks everyday.   LIFE IS SHORT DAMMIT!

and look at how adorable she is:

Friday, February 3, 2012

Stripes on Stripes

Photos by my mom
Well bobo, I know it is weird, but I was feelin stripes on stripes today. Maybe it's the perfect, 70 degree weather, I don't know. I'm going with it. Also, look at my fabulous new oxfords.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cute Things I Wore to Work Part 2

I'm beginning to see a pattern.  Maybe I could mix things up and do a "Cute Things I Wore to the Yoga Studio" or "Cute Things I Wore to the Grocery Store"? Well, life I may not have much of right now but at least I got some cute things going on!

Here are some headless and blurry shots. I busted out with my white jeans yesterday because I got them towards the end of summer and didn't get to wear them as much as I would have liked to. So yesterday I thought, "RULES SHMOOLES! I'm going to wear white jeans in January!" So I wore them.